RESTful API Documentation

AI Voice Agent API Integration

Integrate our powerful AI voice technology into your applications with our comprehensive API documentation and examples.

Getting Started

Welcome to the AI Voice Agent API documentation. Our API allows you to integrate AI-powered voice interactions into your applications.

Base URL


All API requests require authentication using an API key in the header.

Authentication Header
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Voice Agents

Create and manage AI voice agents for your applications.

Create Voice Agent

POST /agents
{ "name": "Customer Support Agent", "language": "en-US", "voice_type": "female", "personality": "professional", "custom_responses": { "greeting": "Hello, how can I help you today?", "farewell": "Thank you for your time. Have a great day!" } }


Parameter Type Description
name required string Name of the voice agent
language string Language code (default: en-US)
voice_type string Voice type (male/female)


Success Response
{ "agent_id": "agt_123456", "name": "Customer Support Agent", "status": "active", "created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z" }


Manage voice conversations between AI agents and users. Track interactions, get transcripts, and analyze conversation metrics.

Start Conversation

POST /conversations
{ "agent_id": "agt_123456", "user_id": "usr_789012", "language": "en-US", "initial_context": { "customer_name": "John Doe", "previous_interaction": "Product Inquiry" }, "settings": { "voice_speed": 1.0, "voice_pitch": "medium", "recording_enabled": true } }


Parameter Type Description
agent_id required string ID of the AI voice agent
user_id required string Unique identifier for the user
language string Conversation language (default: en-US)
initial_context object Additional context for the conversation


Success Response
{ "conversation_id": "conv_123456", "status": "active", "created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z", "connection_details": { "websocket_url": "wss://", "token": "cvt_789012" } }

Get Conversation History

GET /conversations/{conversation_id}
// Response { "conversation_id": "conv_123456", "status": "completed", "duration": 180, "messages": [ { "id": "msg_001", "type": "user", "content": "Hello, I need help with my order", "timestamp": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z" }, { "id": "msg_002", "type": "agent", "content": "I'd be happy to help you with your order. Could you please provide your order number?", "timestamp": "2024-01-01T12:00:05Z" } ], "metrics": { "sentiment_score": 0.8, "user_satisfaction": "high", "resolution_status": "resolved" } }

End Conversation

POST /conversations/{conversation_id}/end
{ "reason": "resolved", "feedback": { "rating": 5, "comments": "Issue resolved successfully" } }


Set up webhooks to receive real-time notifications about conversation events and agent activities.

Create Webhook

POST /webhooks
{ "url": "", "events": [ "conversation.started", "conversation.ended", "message.received", "agent.handoff" ], "secret": "whsec_123456789", "description": "Production webhook for conversation events" }


Parameter Type Description
url required string HTTPS URL to receive webhook events
events required array Array of event types to subscribe to
secret string Secret key for webhook signature verification

Example Webhook Events

Conversation Started Event
{ "event": "conversation.started", "created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z", "data": { "conversation_id": "conv_123456", "agent_id": "agt_123456", "user_id": "usr_789012", "initial_context": { "customer_name": "John Doe", "previous_interaction": "Product Inquiry" } } }

Webhook Security

All webhook requests include a signature in the X-Signature header. Verify this signature to ensure the request came from our servers.

Signature Verification (Python)
import hmac import hashlib def verify_webhook_signature(payload, signature, secret): expected = secret.encode('utf-8'), payload.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256 ).hexdigest() return hmac.compare_digest(expected, signature)

List Available Events

Event Type Description
conversation.started New conversation initiated
conversation.ended Conversation completed
message.received New message in conversation
agent.handoff Conversation transferred to human agent
error.occurred Error during conversation

Error Handling

Error Response
{ "error": { "code": "webhook_error", "message": "Failed to deliver webhook", "type": "delivery_failure", "retry_count": 3, "next_retry": "2024-01-01T12:30:00Z" } }

API Keys

Live API Key
